01.03.18 20:00 Uhr British Book Week: Ben Aaronovitch reads "The Hanging Tree"

Suspicious deaths are not usually the concern of PC Peter Grant, even when they happen at an exclusive party in one of the most expensive apartment blocks in London. But Lady Ty's daughter was there, and Peter owes Lady Ty a favour. Plunged into the world of the super-rich, a sensible young copper would keep his head down and his nose clean. But this is Peter Grant we're talking about. As brilliant and funny as ever

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Eintritt: 14,-
LünebuchGrapengießerstr. 4, 21335 Lüneburg

Moderator: Antje Freudenberg

Back in London, Back in Trouble

Suspicious deaths are not usually the concern of PC Peter Grant or the Folly, even when they happen at an exclusive party in one of the most expensive apartment blocks in London. But Lady Ty's daughter was there, and Peter owes Lady Ty a favour.

Plunged into the alien world of the super-rich, where the basements are bigger than the house and dangerous, arcane items are bought and sold on the open market, a sensible young copper would keep his head down and his nose clean. But this is Peter Grant we're talking about.

He's been given an unparalleled opportunity to alienate old friends and create new enemies at the point where the world of magic and that of privilege intersect. Assuming he survives the week . . .

Biographical Notes

Ben Aaronovitch grew up as part of a famously engaged and lively North London family. He has written for many TV series including Doctor Who and been a bookseller. His Peter Grant novels have been hugely successful and he now writes full time. He still lives in London, the city he likes to refer to as 'the capital of the world'.

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