Barometers of Quality of Life Around the Globe
How Are We Doing?, Social Indicators Research Series 33
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InhaltsangabePreface; Valerie Møller and Denis Huschka. Introduction: An Overview of the Larger View; Alex C. Michalos. 1. European Survey Data: Rich Sources for Quality of Life Research; Heinz-Herbert Noll. 2. Two decades of Social Weather Reporting in the Philippines; Mahar Mangahas and Linda Luz B. Guerrero. 3. Monitoring Democratic Politics, a Market Economy, and Citizin Well-being: the South-Korea Barometer; Doh Chull-Shin. 4. Measuring Quality of Life in Latin America: Some Insights from Happiness Economics and the Latinobarometro; Carol Graham. 5. Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic (SliCA); Jack Kruse, Birger Poppel, Larissa Abryutina, Gerard Duhaime, Stephanie Martin, Mariekathrine Poppel, Margaret Kruse, Ed Ward, Patricia Cochran, and Virgene Hanna. 6. Quality of Life Down-Under: the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index; Robert A. Cummins, David Mellor, Mark A. Stokes, and Anna A.L.D. Lau. 7. The Material and Political Bases of Lived Poverty: Insights from the Afrobarometer; Robert Mattes. 8. The AsiaBarometer: Its Aim, its Scope and its Development; Takashi Inoguchi and Seiji Fujii.